Thursday, November 19, 2009

World Toilet Day 2009

Believe it or not, lack of sanitation is the world’s biggest cause of infection. Today, one in four people don’t have a toilet. This means people must relieve themselves in open streets, fields, or dangerous back alleys. In India alone, the number of people who practice defecation is double the population of the U.S. Because of situations like this, at least 1.8 million people die from fecally-transmitted diseases every year.

To bring awareness to these issues, we're observing November 19th as World Toilet Day. Established by the World Toilet Organization and celebrated annually, it seeks to increase awareness of the importance of toilet sanitation and each individual's right to a safe and hygienic sanitary environment.

Why Toilets Matter

United Nations Human Development Report:
When it comes to water and sanitation, countries tend to have short memories. Today, people in the cities of Europe and the United States live free from fear of waterborne infectious diseases. At the turn of the 20th century the picture was very different. The vast expansion of wealth that followed industrialization increased incomes, but improvements in more fundamental indicators such a life expectancy, child survival and public health lagged far behind. The reason: cities exposed people to greater opportunities to amass wealth but also to water contaminated with human waste. The mundane reality of unclean water severed the link between economic growth and human development. It was not until a revolution in water and sanitation restored that link that wealth generation and human welfare started to move in tandem.”

What Can You Do?

DONATE: The solutions are simple and cost-effective. On average, every US dollar invested in water and sanitation provides an economic return of eight US dollars. For only $30, can bring someone access to a toilet for the rest of their life.

TWEET: Other (free and easy!) solutions include visiting's World Toilet Day page and signing up to donate the status, avatar, or background on your Twitter or Facebook pages.

SQUAT: Another thing you can do is take part in The Big Squat: To help raise awareness for the 2.5 billion people who don't have access to sanitation, thousands of people worldwide are going to squat for one minute. Visit for more information.

BUY A SHIRT: One Tribe is proud to profile socially and environmentally responsible organizations and events. Additionally, sales of our custom-designed organic t-shirts help create a lasting revenue stream for

With our 50/50 promise, HALF the price of a shirt goes directly to That money is enough to provide one person access to clean water for life.

Get yours today – and don’t forget, these make excellent gifts this holiday season. Learn more here:

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