Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bringing creative industries into the spotlight

In Colorado, the arts are no joke. The state ranks fifth in the nation for concentration of artists, and arts industries comprise the fifth largest cluster of the Colorado economy. Creativity is more than a perk of proper civilization – it’s a source of income for millions of architects, writers, designers, performers and more.

But culture doesn’t just bring in jobs, it also brings in audiences. Colorado attracts “cultural tourists,” who stay 50% longer and spend 36% more than other travelers. And that money compounds: every $1 in cultural spending in metro Denver creates $1.32 for other businesses, producing $392 million in “new money” (revenue from outside the region) every year.

So it’s no surprise that state officials recently created Colorado Creative Industries (a merger of the Office of Film, Television and Media, the Colorado Council on the Arts, and the Art in Public Places program), a bold move that positions Colorado to take advantage of their creative potential.

Here in Fort Collins, Beet Street has taken up the task of attracting artists to the area. Maintaining proper venues and a reliable funding strategy for artists are just a few of the issues they are tackling with input from creatives in the area. Beet Street is also amping up the volume on public, accessible art with programs like Streetmosphere, which features local artists of all types on street-corners downtown on summer weekends.

Here at One Tribe Creative, we’re proud to support creative expression in all its forms. We know, first hand, that creativity enriches a community at every level.

For more information on the economic benefits of the arts, visit
For more information on Beet Street, visit

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Be Local: Spread the dough

Communities everywhere are strengthening their Local Living Economies, and they are starting to “think local” as a way to sustain the foundation of local businesses.

In Fort Collins, where One Tribe calls home, Be Local Northern Colorado is supporting local farms, garnering deep discounts at local businesses, and challenging the community to invest in homegrown resources. Their 20/20 Challenge asks people to pledge $20 of their weekly budget to be spent in local businesses. So far, 634 pledgers have spent $253,600. This money, as it circulates, is effectively a 1 million dollar investment in the community.

How, you ask? The proof is in the numbers: money spent with local independent businesses circulates 2-4 times in the local economy, even by conservative analysis. When we keep money in the neighborhood and produce goods close to home, it creates local jobs, reduces transportation costs, and keeps businesses accountable to stakeholders and the environment.

Find the Local Living Economy organization near you at
See how Be Local Northern Colorado is generating community action at

One Tribe Creative has proudly worked with and supported Be Local Northern Colorado over the years.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Growing Spaces: Where Life Thrives

It’s no secret. As a nation, we are becoming increasingly dependent on processed foods, disconnecting ourselves from true food sources and nature, and paying the consequences with rising obesity rates and poor health.

The shift away from the family farm toward the modern grocery store doesn’t mean you have to trade fresh produce for fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides. Growing Spaces can help you grow natural food in an efficient and affordable way with Growing Dome™ Greenhouses.

Growing Domes use renewable energy, water and earth to create warm, lush environments that allows fresh vegetables, flowers, fruits, and herbs to be grown year round.

Yet, Growing Domes are not just for personal use to grow plants. They can also enclose meditation centers, massage and physical therapy studios, or serve as a community greenhouse. Schools use them to educate children on the living earth, organic growing, and science.

Find out how to get your Growing Dome at

Monday, May 10, 2010

Peace and Hope Begin with Educating One Child at a Time

Founder of the Central Asia Institute, Greg Mortenson, had an inspirational encounter in the mountainous regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan after a failed attempt of summiting K2 that lead to his mission of providing education for the communities there. Mortenson created a network of local community members that are involved in the progression of the educational projects in these regions, and in doing so established a sustainable program that now has 130 schools and provides education to over 51,000 students. has added Central Asia Institute to the humanitarian network of non-profits and designed inspirational cotton T-shirts that will provide the funds needed to educate a young student for one year when purchased. The men and women’s line of organic apparel focuses on the mantra of the Central Asia Institute, “Peace and Hope Begin with Educating One Child at a Time.”

The women’s graphic is an open text book with its pages slowly turning into leaves that blossom into beautiful Jasmine flowers, the national Pakistani flower.

The men’s design symbolizes war changing to peace through the power of education by depicting a missile turning into a pencil.

For more information about the One Tribe exclusive shirts that provide funds directly to help people around the world, please visit:

Friday, April 23, 2010

One Tribe Creative Is Honored With Silver Level Award by ClimateWise

One Tribe Creative received the Silver level award at the annual EnvirOvation ceremony hosted by the City of Fort Collins' ClimateWise program. ClimateWise is a city-run program that aids local businesses with reducing grenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the process. The EnvirOvation ceremony is a celebration of local businesses that are committed to environmental and economic sustainability. One Tribe Creative joined at the Silver level 2009 with plans to progress to the Gold level in 2010, and Platinum in 2011.

In 2009 One Tribe Creative reduced 12.5 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by initiating a lighting retrofit program, co-mingled recycling, and an alternative transportation program.

By retrofitting the lighting at One Tribe Creative's headquarters, the Armory Building in Old Town Fort Collins, we reduced our electrical consumption by 14,208 kWh and saved $718.60 of crude oil in 2009.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility is 11,040 kWh; One Tribe Creative saved 3,168 kWh more than the average U.S. household uses in a year.

With our lighting retrofit program, the carbon dioxide reduced is equivalent to 408 mature trees absorbing the carbon emissions.

In 2009, One Tribe Creative had a diversion rate of 47%, which means that waste materials have been diverted from traditional disposal such as land filling or incineration. Our goal is to increase One Tribe's diversion rate to 50% by 2011.

With our co-mingled recycling program, the carbon dioxide reduced is equivalent to 32 mature trees absorbing the carbon emissions.

One Tribe workers took alternative transportation to work by biking, walking, or taking the bus a total of 448 miles in 2009 that reduced 698 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent. This is equal to 13 trees being planted to absorb carbon.

One Tribe Creative: Sustainability is not just for Earth Day. Earth Day is Every Day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

National Parks: Grand Adventure in Your Own Backyard

Imagine if you had a spectacular vacation destination virtually outside your back door. Well, you do. Before you book an overseas airline ticket for this year’s vacation, look into your U.S National Parks.

Celebrate local heritage and experience colorful history while you explore the breathtaking gorges of the Grand Canyon, the stirring battlefields of Gettysburg, the ancient ruins at Mesa Verde, the remarkable giants of the Redwood forests, and other wonders that are preserved in nearly 400 U.S. National Parks.

For over 90 years, National Park Service has protected endangered animals, preserved archaeological sites, and restored historical landmarks for the enjoyment of the American people. Why not take advantage of the history and nature the National Park Service has preserved just for you?

Find a National Park near you at

One Tribe Creative is proud to profile socially and environmentally responsible organizations.

To learn more about what we do, please visit us at
You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Volunteer Vacations: Restore Your Soul and Your World

Whether you dream of forging rugged mountain trails or building sea turtle nurseries in a warm tropical setting, you can make your next trip more fulfilling by going on a volunteer vacation.

Interact with a new culture while you help preserve it. Global Aware develops short-term volunteer programs to promote cultural awareness and sustainability in 15 different countries. The diverse programs offered include teaching English to children in Thailand, cleaning rivers in Jamaica, and building homes in Romania. Find out more at

Make a difference with critical environmental issues – biodiversity, coral reef health, indigenous cultures, sustainability, habitat loss, and climate change – when you participate in an Earthwatch program. Earthwatch actively works with people worldwide to maintain environmental sustainability through research, education programs, and conservation projects. Visit to learn more.

Protect and enjoy nature when you take a backpacking trip with the American Hiking Society. Volunteering with the Hiking Society offers infinite opportunities for people to appreciate the wilderness, renew themselves, and establish a lifetime of fitness, while preserving trails for future generations. Learn more at

One Tribe Creative is proud to profile socially and environmentally responsible organizations.

To learn more about what we do, please visit us at
You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Hotel Terra: Where Luxury Comes Naturally

Picture yourself after a day of skiing at Jackson Hole, wrapped in a 100% organic cotton bathrobe, sipping fair trade coffee, while warming up at a gas fireplace in your hotel room. Hotel Terra gives luxury a whole new meaning: sustainability.

From recycled roof shingles to a water conservation system and energy efficient lighting, Hotel Terra is part of a new generation of hotels that strive to reduce their carbon footprint. This hip, low-impact hotel offers guests an eco-friendly alternative to the typical five-star hotel by combining deluxe boutique services with sustainable building and operating practices.

Replenish your spirit and body all year round at Hotel Terra’s Chill Spa, a six-room treatment center that includes an outdoor-rooftop hot tub and deck that overlooks the spectacular Jackson Hole wilderness.

To book your room, visit Hotel Terra.

One Tribe Creative is proud to profile socially and environmentally responsible organizations.

To learn more about what we do, please visit us at

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Request for Proposals for Solar Hot Water Projects

The Climate Trust is now soliciting proposals on behalf of the Colorado Carbon Fund for the installation of solar hot water technologies at large buildings to displace the use of fossil fuels (such as natural gas, propane, or diesel) for water heating.

Support for selected projects will be provided as a carbon offset purchase agreement between the award recipients and the Colorado Carbon Fund via The Climate Trust.

Nonprofits, government agencies, for-profit businesses, or a combination of these parties, are eligible to submit proposals. Typical project sites may include recreation centers, hospitals, hotels, prisons, or other facilities which use large amounts of hot water.

The Climate Trust is offering up to $250,000 total, which will be divided between no more than five awards.

A bidder's conference will be held on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 11am MST. Contact to register. Proposals are due on Thursday, February 4 at 5pm MST.
For more information and for the RFP application materials, please see:

One Tribe Creative is proud to support socially and environmentally responsible organizations. To learn more about what we do, connect with us...
on our website
on facebook
on twitter

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year’s Resolution/Revolution

Did you make a resolution to improve yourself this year? What about a resolution to improve the lives of others? Are you committed to helping worthy causes but don’t know where to start?

Here is an idea that might work for you.
  1. Pick a favorite charity.
  2. On a monthly basis, donate a set amount of money.
  3. This amount can be a small amount. In fact, regular donations in small amounts can be easier to budget for and are more likely to be made than single donations in a larger amount. As President Obama has said, change starts from the ground up and in small amounts.
  4. Keep track of this donation and remember to have those records handy at tax time.
One of the hardest parts of this is choosing a worthy cause (and then deciding on your monthly budget), so here is an even better idea:
  1. Go to
  2. Once a month, purchase a different shirt.
  3. We have different colors, sizes, and styles for men and women that support five different non-profits.
  4. Your monthly budget will be $39.
  5. Half this amount, exactly 50%, will be donated directly to the charity associated with that particular shirt.
  6. In every case, the purchase of only ONE shirt will make a significant difference in the life of at least one person (you can read about those benefits here).
  7. Feel good. Because not only are you donating $234 ($19.50 x 12 months) to charity this year (which you can deduct from your taxes), but you are also...
    • multiplying your wardrobe…
    • or getting your 2010 holiday shopping done early…
    • or staying ahead of all those pesky birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other holidays that you can never find time (or inspiration) to shop for…
    • or further enhancing your cosmic graces by simply giving someone this shirt for no reason (which also helps promote these noteworthy causes)…
    • and best of all, staying “green” the whole time. Click here to read how our shirts are good for you and the environment.
This year, give as much as you gain. is part of One Tribe Creative, LLC., and is proud to help support five socially and environmentally responsible organizations around the globe. The purchase of our t-shirts helps support and promote this effort. We thank you for your continued interest.

Find us on Facebook and Twitter.